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English Heritage - Grime's Graves - Prehistoric Flint Mine

Attraction | Thetford | Angleterre | Royaume Uni

Grime's Graves - Une mine de silex préhistorique et site archéologique

Grime's Graves, situé près de Thetford dans le Norfolk, en Angleterre, est l'un des sites archéologiques les plus fascinants du Royaume-Uni. Cette mine de silex préhistorique, gérée par English Heritage, est l'une des rares de son genre qui peut encore être explorée aujourd'hui. Avec ses nombreuses fosses et galeries, elle offre un aperçu unique de l'industrie minière préhistorique et du mode de vie des gens pendant le Néolithique.

Histoire de Grime's Graves
Grime's Graves a été utilisé comme mine de silex il y a environ 4 500 ans, à l'ère néolithique. Le nom vient de l'anglo-saxon et signifie "les tombes de Grime" - bien que le site ne contienne pas de tombes, mais l'une des premières installations minières d'Europe.

Le site est composé de plus de 400 fosses réparties sur une superficie d'environ 37 hectares. C'est là que des communautés préhistoriques ont extrait du silex de qualité, utilisé pour des outils, des armes et d'autres objets.

L'exploitation minière à Grime's Graves s'est arrêtée à l'âge du bronze, lorsque les outils métalliques ont remplacé le silex. Cependant, le site est resté intact au fil des siècles et a été plus tard considéré comme un lieu important par les Romains, les Anglo-Saxons et les Normands.

La structure des mines
Les mines de silex de Grime's Graves sont constituées de puits profonds et de galeries étendues, creusés à la main avec des outils en pierre. Les puits peuvent atteindre jusqu'à 12 mètres de profondeur, avec un réseau de tunnels souterrains étendu sous la surface.

Découvertes archéologiques et importance
Grime's Graves est l'une des rares mines de silex néolithiques en Europe à avoir été fouillée. Les découvertes sur le site ont apporté de nombreuses informations importantes sur la vie au Néolithique.

Les découvertes les plus significatives incluent des outils en bois de cerf utilisés par les mineurs pour extraire le silex, des outils en silex usés montrant comment la pierre était utilisée pour des couteaux, pointes de flèches et grattoirs, des preuves de division du travail organisée, et des objets cultuels suggérant que l'exploitation minière était peut-être liée à des pratiques spirituelles ou rituelles.

Expérience pour les visiteurs
Grime's Graves est un site archéologique unique qui offre aux visiteurs la rare opportunité de descendre dans une véritable mine préhistorique.

Les visiteurs peuvent descendre dans un puits préservé pour observer de près les galeries souterraines, explorer la surface du site où des centaines de fosses sont visibles, découvrir des découvertes archéologiques et des expositions interactives au centre des visiteurs pour en apprendre davantage sur l'histoire de l'exploitation minière du silex, et participer à des visites guidées pour en apprendre davantage sur la vie des mineurs préhistoriques.

La région de Grime's Graves
Les environs du site sont constitués d'une vaste lande, marquée par son utilisation initiale comme carrière de pierre. Aujourd'hui, le paysage est un habitat important pour des plantes et animaux rares.

Les amoureux de la nature peuvent observer des fleurs sauvages et des insectes rares qui prospèrent dans la lande, emprunter des sentiers de randonnée pour explorer la géologie fascinante de la région et profiter de l'atmosphère paisible qui relie à l'histoire ancienne de l'humanité.

Importance pour l'archéologie et le patrimoine britannique
Grime's Graves est l'un des sites préhistoriques les plus importants d'Angleterre et un monument significatif du patrimoine industriel.

Un reliquat unique du Néolithique montrant comment les premières communautés utilisaient les ressources, un exemple exceptionnel de l'exploitation minière primitive menée avec des outils simples, et une mine de silex rare préservée qui fournit aux chercheurs des informations précieuses sur les technologies préhistoriques.

Grime's Graves est un site archéologique extraordinaire qui plonge au cœur de la préhistoire britannique. Avec ses mines millénaires, ses découvertes archéologiques uniques et son paysage impressionnant, il offre aux visiteurs un voyage fascinant dans le passé.

Que ce soit pour les amateurs d'histoire, les passionnés d'archéologie ou les amoureux de la nature, Grime's Graves est l'une des attractions les plus impressionnantes d'Angleterre, un lieu qui fait revivre la connaissance du monde préhistorique.

Vue de carte


436 Avis

Adam W

Harling Drove track
Kate Warn

Brilliant visit. The mine itself is quite small but very interesting. Lots of information in the visitors centre.
Raven Darkness

Interesting place ....and dog like it too ,boards all way round with Interesting stories ,and you can go down a ladder and see where cave were
Lee Middleton

Very interesting not a place to be if you claustrophobic or if you've got not got a head for Heights
Aleksandras Jasas

10 pounds to see some chalk very worth the money
George Raffe

Fascinating history
Leonie Seymour

I liked the layout. The audio visual was well thought out and really interesting.
David Sheppard

Lovely, calming place. We came on a mid Wednesday afternoon and there were only a few people here. Depending into the mine is down a metal staircase which you negotiate going down backwards. The mines at the bottom were interesting and the video projected at the bottom of the mine directly onto the mine shaft was informative and engaging. The walk round the surface pits with the countryside around you was very calming with room for children to run around and have fun. The staff were very helpful and even gave us extra information and finds as our daughter is studying archeology at university. We will come again when they hold a special event where you can decend into one of the other mines and explore further.
Simon Carter

We thought Grimes Graves was excellent when we visited for the first time on Thursday, 17th October. The welcome from Jennifer (according to my entry ticket) was lovely. She was very helpful and provided us with a good idea of what to expect from the site, obviously completely new to us. There was part of a school party down in the flint mine pit which is open for visitors, so we went round the trail first. Points of interest around the trail are well signposted and there is plenty of information to read. I took photos of the couple of QR Codes that looked most interesting and have added them here. Others have done a great job of adding detailed photos of all aspects of the site. When we arrived at the pit there was still a small school party down there but we decided to go down anyway for the audio-visual presentation. The male ranger on duty was also really helpful & got us kitted with hard hats for the descent down the metal staircase to the bottom. If you are able-bodied it is worth the climb down the 2/3 flights of good, solid metal staircases. It is steep, certainly but the senior concessions managed it fine!! 😉The presentation was really good, very atmospheric in the dark of the pit and explained the history effectively. The school party of primary school children were really good!! All in all? Definitely 5-stars. Thanks to the staff on duty on the day. Nice cup of tea from the machine!! Parking? Pretty good, though I can imagine on busy days during holidays it might be tight. Take the entrance drive slowly and steadily, it is bumpy in places.

went here about 20 years ago and all there was , was a shed and a ladder. new visitors centre this year and took son. so interesting and informative. he can away wanting to go back soon.
Graeme Stickings

Need to sort out the portaloos as hand sanitiser is not really good enough. 30p for milk in tea and coffee, if I read correctly? The display in the reception was excellent and the knowledge of the staff, the same.
Will Gee

Superb, really wow, highly recommend and brilliantly presented
micheal topham

It was all good but for a cafe all that walking. Could have done with a bacon butty and cup of tea but still well worth the visit
A340 fan

Very interesting and atmospheric site, certainly worth a visit especially descending into one of the mines, be aware that access is via a metal staircase which is quite steep, children under 7 are not allowed, hard hats are provided. The temperature is much cooler than ground level. Above ground a marked walk with numerous information boards gives details about the site, the pathway is a little uneven in places so be aware. A small on site centre also gives information
Chris Marsland

If your idea of a good time is to go down a 5000 yr old hole in the ground then this is for you. Personally I loved it. Worth mentioning that under 7s can't go into the flint mine
Lee Norfolk

Don't bother.unless you have a dog it's great for walking..but pay ten pounds for pretty much nothing..I know it's history but.. Google it..then decide what the dog your appreciate it more...
Tony Brown

Underwhelmed. In my 60s and have always wanted to visit since I was a kid. It's very badly lit with, for some inexplicable reason, red and blue lighting. Surely better to create a more realistic and atmospheric experience with candle / flame effect lighting as it would have been. Especially in the little alcoves which are blocked off with metal bars. There is a projector display against the chalk wall, but the sound was difficult to hear and viewing was awkward due to the number of people shuffling about the small area.
Jasmine Knight

Friendly staff and beautiful grounds, great experience
andrew pridmore

My wife had to see grimes graves as it appears in a elly Griffiths book and wasn't disappointed took an hour to see everything ! Lovely people there very helpful and welcoming
Robert Robson

Lord Kenneth Montgomery-Moore

Fascinating place
High Miler

I thought this place was really cool and the kids loved going down the steps into the mine. Not a huge amount else to see but still worthy of a visit.
susan mayhew

A real experience, the mine is impressive. Wonderful to be where our ancestors were 4500 years ago. The surrounding area is beautiful, peaceful and thought provoking.
John Ryan

Driven past for years on way to the coast and wanted to see the site. Slightly underwhelmed on recent visit. Could do with more interpretation when walking around the different hills n hollows.
Vanessa White

On my to-do list for a few years. Was not disappointed. Was surprised that the pits weren't as deep as I had imagined 😁
Patricia Wells

Great place to visit and learn
Matthew Ingram (Matt)

Not a lot to look at here, felt let down
Brynnafidska Saraykarova

A great little find to see the 4,500 year old flint mine. It's a small site but the little museum gives plenty of context to the stone age peoples who used the site.


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